Saturday 26 January 2008

Time to Chill

This week I finally cashed in my Mother's Day voucher and spent a day at a health spa with my lovely mum.

It was bliss. We were well and truly pampered - pedicure, massage, 3 course lunch and time to unwind in sauna and steam rooms.

But, true to form, nothing is ever perfect. Mainly the lockers - rather than the coin and key version we are all familiar with in gyms and swimming pools we were given a card with our locker number on and instructions on how to programme them. We had to press several buttons and add our own 4 digit 'personal number' into the mix. I loaded my locker and tried to put in the code, it didn't lock so I tried again, it beeped but didn't lock so I checked the card, tried again and then it emitted a loud, high pitched tone which reminded me of the bit in films before the bomb goes off. After appealing to the assistant for help she declared she'd not seen that before and I'd have to get another locker (which she locked for me).

The blissful day was punctuated with trips to our lockers - to fetch a towel, a book, to check the mobile or to change into a swimsuit - and we usually needed assistance to either unlock or lock the lockers (sometimes both) and we weren't the only ones. You couldn't even give up and leave it unlocked as they automatically locked if it was left closed and unlocked for any length of time and you needed to get an assistant to unlock it again for you. What is wrong with the old key method?

I couldn't quite get my head around wandering round in my dressing gown in front of complete strangers. The first one I was given was a Small when I am most definitely XLarge - in the end I was given an XXXXL which must have been specially made for Geoff Capes to visit and I had to roll it up at the sleeves. After lunch we wandered into a conservatory area to have our coffee and it was littered with sleeping bodies in white gowns, which reminded me of depictions of the aftermath of Roman orgies, well didn't they invent the spa?

I had imagined having a day spent without the worries of everyday life, a little 'me time', where I could be myself rather than someones mum. To an extent that was true but as the place was full of women all of the conversations seemed to revolve around childbirth stories, potty training, tantrums and the naughty step - I could have been at a toddler group really!

A few days later and I have lost the chilled out feeling I gained at the spa, I'm back to the tension headaches and the feeling of being at the end of my tether BUT I do have beautifully painted toenails and a hole in my bank account to remember the day by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely really. I wouldn't mind a day of pampering.

Although I have to say I tend to spend time with men if I want to truly relax and not think about children. Women just can't seem to help themselves, can they? I often lurk in the bootroom at the ski club because that is where the men hang out - and you can be safe there from child talk. I have to talk about beer, or how fast I can ski or football or breasts or something instead. But it makes a change!

I hope you find a way to chill out a bit more. Tension headaches sound horrible.