Thursday 20 March 2008

Another me!

Oh dear I wondered where all the questions were leading to. Today when I picked up the toddler from his afternoon with grandad I was greeted with knowing smiles and the comment that '.... says that he's going to get 'another me!' is there anything you want to tell me?'.

It all started a few days ago. That annoying Lelly Kelly shoe advert was on - you know the one with the badly dubbed little girls jumping up and down in sparkly shoes and slathering on greasy make-up.

He's always been taken with that - I think it is the make up as a favourite activity with grandma is putting on lipgloss! Anyway he's got it now that those she's are 'for girls' so he can't have them - so he's come up with a cunning plan.

Toddler: Mummy we need to get a girl so she can have those shoes because I want them but they are 'for girls'

Me: well it doesn't quite work like that. Mummy and daddy will try but you don't always know what you are going to get.

Toddler: well you need to get a girl.

Me: well we'll try but we might get a girl or a boy or even another you!

(tickle fight ensues)

Two days ago:

Toddler: Mummy who made me?

Hubbie: snigger and raised eyebrow followed by low chuckle as he made a rapid exit.

Me: (while thinking eek what do I say? God? special cuddles? gooseberry bushes?)
Mummy and daddy (said with absolute certainty).

Toddler seemed satisfied and continued to eat his dinner.

Reported conversation with grandad today.

Toddler: grandad, mummy and daddy are getting another me.

Grandad: what a little brother or sister?

toddler: NO! Another ME - but a girl so I can have some Lelly Kelly shoes ...

Ooh dear ..

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