Sunday 16 March 2008


I'm involved in a local branch of a national parenting support group. Until recently I was very involved until one member took it upon herself to launch a one-woman smear campaign and recently I've been shoved out and left in the cold. I decided at the end of last year to not let this get to me any longer - but it's hard. It has helped me find out who my friends are and cemented some of these friendships but sometimes the hostility is so blatant!

Yesterday I found out a local park were holding an Easter egg hunt at the weekend so posted the information on our eGroup.

Me: the xxxxx park are holding an Easter egg hunt on Sat and Sun 11-2pm £2 entry - Cadbury's are donating the eggs.

New member: ooh we'd like to do that - probably on the Sunday.

Know-it-all mum: We went last year, it was a really hot day and lots of people were there. We enjoyed the trail then our son (8 year old) ran ahead to get his prize and that was the last we saw of him for nearly an hour. I was going frantic and the park staff struggled to mount a search as it was busy. Though he had sensibly gone back to the car to wait for us. I would strongly recommend people bear our experience in mind before deciding whether to attend.

Me: (trying to inject a bit of humor) yes it was very busy - 4,000 people visited that weekend. We lost my mother in law but unfortunately she found us so we're trying again this year. Don't think the weather is expected to be quite as hot this year so it shouldn't be as busy.

New Member: Oh thanks for that information xxxxxx (KIAM) we won't be going now.

AAARRRGGHH! As the majority of the people reading on the eGroup do not have children over 3 they are hardly likely to let their child 'run ahead'. Though I am sympathetic with her distress last year I can't help the feeling that if anyone else had 'mentioned' the egg hunt she wouldn't have been so quick to put a dampener on it. Hmm this could be brewing to something big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how horrible. It all sounds so bitchy.

You are very brave getting involved in groups. They do often attract the very worst kind of people (not you, silly!). I always just identify one or two people at the various events I get stuck at (school, swimclub, skiing, scouts, etc) who seem sane and not too parenty and stick to them.

You might tell me where this event is though, as any opportunity to get shot of the MIL is welcome. Trouble is she has some sort of inbuilt homing device I reckon - as I have tried to lose her many times before.

Don't let this old trout get to you - she is just being petty and stupid - you are much better than she is! It's hardly surprising the 8 year old attempted to scarper really, is it?